This project was proudly initiated during #Hacktoberfest Cebu 2024

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React Series: Zero to Hero - 1

React Series: Zero to Hero - 1

React Cebu


React Series: Hero to Zero is a 4 hours intensive discussion and coding session design for beginners to learn how to create small and medium ReactJS applications.

For our first session we'll introduce the following below:

- Functional and Class Component
- State & Props
- Conditional Rendering
- List & Conditionals
- Lifecycle Methods
- Immutability
- Routing

Some things we would like to highlight for the Session 1:
-We will be collecting 100php as door fee for the snacks, and we require you to bring your own laptop.
-Session starts at 1PM, doors open for Registration at 12NN. Please come on time, as we want to maximize the duration of the workshop and discuss as many topics as we can.
-Workshop participants should have NodeJS version 8+ installed in their laptops, and should have a text editor (VSCode, Sublime, Atom, etc.)

We've sent confirmation messages to those who signup from Please confirm ASAP as slots are limited to 40 only. Confirmed participants MUST attend the said workshop at the indicated time and venue. Failure to do so would entail sanctions and would prevent the participant from joining future ReactJS Cebu events.

Huge thanks to our partner LegalMatch Philippines in bringing this workshop to eager participants who want to learn React. They are using React Native in their company.