This project was proudly initiated during #Hacktoberfest Cebu 2024

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Test-Driven Development Codecamp

Test-Driven Development Codecamp

Laravel Cebu


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In partnership with CodEx, we bring to you artisans our very first "Test Driven Development Codecamp" - a follow up on last year's TDD introduction.

Don't worry if you haven't attended the first part for we'll definitely start once again from the beginning here.

NOTE: Please bring your laptops as we will be doing hands-on in the afternoon.

Topics For TDD Event (Laravel Cebu x CodEx):

Part I :
Introduction to TDD
What is Tdd
Concept of TDD
The Red, Green, and Refactor Concept
Goal Of TDD
Pros and Cons
What to use in TDD
Unit Testing
How to create test in Laravel

Part II: Workshop
Getting the ball rolling
what do we build first?
Sketching out our first test
Getting to green
Unit Testing
Presentation testing
Refactoring for Speed
Hiding Unpublished Concert
Testing query scope
Factory states
purchasing concert ticket
Introducing the next feature
Browser testing vs Endpoint Testing
Outlining the first purchasing test
Faking the payment gateway
Adding Tickets to Orders
Encapsulating Relationship Logic in the model
Getting Started With Validation Testing
Reducing Duplication with Custom Assertions
Handling Failed Charges
Preventing Ticket Sales To Unpublished Concerts.


Laravel Cebu FB Page:
CodEx FB Page (Major Partner):
The Company FB (Venue Sponsor) & Zero-Ten Philippines:
Arcanys FB Page (Major Sponsor) -
Jellyfish Education FB Page (Major Sponsor) -